Local Deployment


Do not deploy Klever at your workstation or valuable servers unless you are ready to lose some sensitive data or to have misbehaved software.


Currently deployment on Fedora makes the httpd_t SELinux domain permissive, which may negatively impact the security of your system.

To accomplish local deployment of Klever you need to choose an appropriate mode (one should select development only for development purposes, otherwise, please, choose production) and to run the following command within $KLEVER_SRC:

$ sudo venv/bin/klever-deploy-local --deployment-directory $KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR install production


Absolute path to klever-deploy-local is necessary due to environment variables required for the Klever Python virtual environment are not passed to sudo commands most likely.

After successfull installation one is able to update Klever multiple times to install new or to update alredy installed Klever Addons and Klever Build Bases:

$ sudo venv/bin/klever-deploy-local --deployment-directory $KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR update production

If you need to update Klever Python package itself (e.g. this may be necessary after update of $KLEVER_SRC), then you should execute one additional command prior to the above one:

$ pip install --upgrade .

This additional command, however, should be skipped if Klever Python package was installed in the editable mode (with flag -e) unless you need to to upgrade Klever dependencies. In the latter case you should execute the following command prior updating Klever:

$ pip install --upgrade -e .

To uninstall Klever you need to run:

$ sudo venv/bin/klever-deploy-local --deployment-directory $KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR uninstall production

A normal sequence of actions for Local Deployment is the following: install ‣ update ‣ update ‣ … ‣ update ‣ uninstall. In addition, there are several optional command-line arguments which you can find out by running:

$ klever-deploy-local --help

We strongly recommend to configure your file indexing service if you have it enabled so that it will ignore content of $KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR. Otherwise, it can consume too much computational resources since Klever manipulates files very extensively during its operation. To do this, please, refer to an appropriate user documentation.


If something went wrong during installation, you need to uninstall Klever completely prior to following attempts to install it. In case of ambiguos issues in the development mode you should try to remove the virtual environment and to create it from scratch.